Jim Turner has been a long-time ValuSource client. One of the unique aspects of his valuation practice is that he performs many SBA and M&A valuations as well as more traditional litigation-based valuations. Since both SBA and M&A valuations need to consider the transaction including the asset allocation, he has made significant customizations to both the standard analysis and report templates in order to automate and standardize the process. Having these customized templates allow Jim to efficiently perform 50-100 valuations per year.
Website: https://turnerbusiness.com/
Breakdown of business:
• SBA Reports = 25%
• Mergers & Acquisitions, exit planning = 25%
• Litigation / other = 50% (409A and Estate & Gift Tax)
• Does 50-100 business valuations per year
How Jim does things differently?
• Jim found that creating his own report (Word) and Analysis (Excel) templates was the best path to most effectively produce the 50-100 valuation reports per year his firm handles. Also, since SBA valuation requirements are significantly different than traditional formal valuations, creating “templates” for the analysis and report ended up saving a tremendous amount of time producing SBA reports. There was a time investment to customize the software, but the payoff was more than worth the effort.
• SBA changes SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) roughly every two years which means the templates may need to updated based on those changes. Once again, this become a significant time saver in the long run.
• Jim especially likes the ValuSource Report Writer which automates this report generation process, which saves a ton of time.
• One example of how Jim customized the ValuSource Analysis and Report was to handle asset allocation / transfer in the sale for SBA valuations. Jim is happy to share these custom SBA reports with other ValuSource users.
How is Jim’s valuation unique?
• Jim’s SBA / M&A templates are substantially different from the standard templates that come with the software.
• He must focus on the transaction including asset allocation (some assets transfer to new owner and some do not) and how they impact the deal / value of the business.
• Jim templates have been customized to include assets that both do and don’t transfer, including FF&E, A/R, receivables, inventory and debt.
• SBA valuations must be performed cost effectively because there is a limit on the fee he can charge.
Feel free to contact Jim to ask additional questions.